Project Name: 4. Or Docklands
Software Used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
My friend Jack approached me one day and asked if I could help design him a Logo and EP called Come // Close for his indie band 4. Or Docklands (Link to facebook group).
This project took me a few weeks to do as I would discuss with Jack about what he wanted from the end product and edit it live with him so he could give feedback on what he liked and disliked.
We started with the EP design. He had an idea of what he wanted, which was an image over the top of a photo of a backyard. In lead up to us meeting, Jack had commissioned an artist to create an arm holding a spear. After receiving images of the spear, I did research into what Jack wanted out of an end product.
Jack sent me the image of the arm plus an example of an album cover he particularly liked, The Hunt Begins by The Hunt.
I also had a look at other contemporary artist within the ‘glitch-folk’ scene, and found a number of albums which could help inspire designs. For example, Mountain Glitch Folk and You’re Alive But You Are Dead. (As seen to the left)
We started by designing a logo to go on the EP, we went back and forth on what it should look like and during that time we both liked the font ofAlize font (inspired by the chancery italic of the 16th century. In the end we went with the name being in red and having a drop shadow effect. The next task was to begin editing the image itself.
We started by adding a black border both to help read the title and logo also it was a reference to The Hunt work. Then we worked on the title, we wanted to make it look glitched so we broke up the middle of the word, and then lastly we added the spear to the image.

We then went on to design the logo.
Jack wanted to use a photo he had taken at a ferry as basis for his logo. My role was to come up with a design that would help the text stand out.
We went through many designs until we landed on this one which we both liked. After putting all this together, I sent him the files that he needed and my job was done.
The final designs are below. (With album cover on the left and logo on the right)