Home Work CV Contact 4. or Docklands 4. or Docklands is a small indie band which is a part of glitch-folk scene, I was responsible for the creation of Logo and EP.Click here to find out more… Carbon Platter Carbon Platter is a infographic and motion graphic on the CO2 costs of producing food.Click here to find out more… Fizzy Blast! Fizzy Blast is a personal project to create a brand identity and packaging for a made-up fizzy drink.Click here to find out more… FRS Learn FRS Learn is national wide programme within the Fire Service to share learning materials. I was tasked to re-design their logo, with this new one still being used today.Click here to find out more… Road Savvy Road Savvy was a regional project undertaken by the Kent Fire and Rescue Service in 2019 to teach people the inportance of safe driving. I was given the task to create the logo for this project.Click here to find out more… Magnified Insects Magnified Insects is project done within the final year of university, were I was put into a team and had to work with a client. The final piece was a web based app that allowed kids to look at zoomed in images of incests.Click here to find out more…